Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Life in Transition

I am six days away from my turning 26. Up to this point, I feel like I've accomplished quite a bit. I've given birth to two amazing little boys who consistently light up my life. I have a freelance writing business that isn't making me an overnight millionaire, but it enables me to make enough money each month to keep the lights on and still stay home with my kids.

As I have begun to reflect over the past years of my life, I realized the recent ones have really lacked a certain something... growth for me.

Of course, growth in pant size and bad habits has certainly happened. (Heck, I had two kids in less than a year!) But, as a mother and a woman, I've let my family become the priority and put my own needs on the back burner.

Thus, I find myself at a crossroads. Let things continue to slide or let this year be of a life in transition? I choose transition.

I am hoping this new blog serves as a great way to document the trials, tribulations, and fun had while I figure out where I'm going. Feel free to come along for the ride.

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